The company
Vsafe s.r.l. (Value Sustainable Agri-Food and Environment)
Vsafe s.r.l., founded in July 2017, offers business services aimed at promoting the competitiveness and sustainability of the agri-food sector. The company, a spin-off of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Faculty of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences), was also created to provide practical application to the knowledge and know-how developed by the academic research in the field of economics and management of the agri-food and environmental sciences.
By operating both at a national and international level, we offer innovative professional services in the areas of global sustainability, market intelligence and strategic consulting. The collection and processing of big data allow us to offer our clients personalized and innovative services, capable of responding in an efficient and effective manner to the various needs in terms of analysis, interpretation, and forecasting of market dynamics as well as to the implementation of appropriate and competitive strategies.
To provide a complete service to our clients, we also offer consultancy services to write projects aimed at obtaining public funding for the development and implementation of projects commissioned to our company.
Thanks to the partnership with the Catholic University and its research centres and departments, the company is able to handle multidisciplinary projects as well as to offer specific training programs.
Sustainable value for the agri-food sector.
We support companies, food chains, and manufacturing systems in the identification and selection of practical strategies for the valorisation of sustainability and its better management. By combining sustainability and competitiveness, we help our clients identify the best innovative strategies and tools for the creation, increase and management of the value generated by the interaction between the manufacturing process and the economic, social and environmental context in a given territory.
We develop innovative methods to discover, bring out and quantify the real but often hidden value generated by the positive interactions between companies and the environment in a given territory.
We develop strategies and actions to increase the discovered value and convert it into monetary and tangible result which will be brought out in the financial and/or non-financial statements of our clients.
We develop innovative strategies and tools aimed at enhancing the management of the created value over-time.
Our team
Gabriele Canali
President and founding partner
Ilir Maksimiljan Gjika
Market intelligence
Isabella Casella
Global sustainability e Project support
Ronny Ariberti
Market intelligence